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Tuesday, March 4th 2025

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Toronto to Sao Paulo, Brazil - $628 roundtrip including taxes

Sao Paulo, Brazil

TAM Airlines is currently showing some pretty cheap flights from Toronto to Sao Paulo, Brazil (GRU), for as low as $628 CAD roundtrip including taxes.

Roundtrip flights from Toronto to Brazil tend to bottom out in the $950-$1000 range these days, so this is over 30% cheaper than the usual best prices.

The cheaper dates look to be focused between April 2015 and the third week of June 2015.

How to find and book these flights

1. Go to www.expedia.ca

2. Click on Flights

3. Search for a flight from Toronto (YYZ) to Sao Paulo, Brazil (GRU)

Try date combinations that are in the months of April, May, or June 2015

So far the cheapest flights I've seen ($628) are from Fridays to Tuesdays, or Mondays to Sundays (but certainly try other combinations)

The flights have one stop each way, in New York (JFK).

screenshot from www.expedia.ca

Good time to go?

Sao Paulo has pretty decent weather all year round. Most of the time it is nice and dry, and not too hot.

March through June is their Fall. The daily high in these months is typically around 23-26C. May and June are typically the driest months of the year.

Where to stay?

As usual, AirBNB is a good place to start. Accommodations in Sao Paulo are definitely reasonable. Here's an example of the type of apartment you can get for $75 CAD/night...

AirBNB search link with 478 more examples of entire apartments you can rent for under $100/night.

The Jardins district is generally considered one of the best areas in Sao Paulo to stay for tourists, with all the best restaurants and museums. If you go to this AirBNB search link the map will be centered around the Jardins district, with around 93 apartments going for under $100/night.

Do Canadians need a visa to visit Brazil?

Yes. A tourist visa costs $97 if you submit the visa application to the Brazilian consulate in Toronto yourself (or for quite a bit more if you Google around for third party services that will do this on your behalf).

Good info on obtaining a visa for Brazil can be found here: http://toronto.itamaraty.gov.br/en-us/visas.xml

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